Ubisoft vs Vivendi : the war goes on

Bannière ubisoft Vivendi is continuing its rise in the domain of video games. After the purchase of Gameloft, despite the opposition of the funder family, the company buying more parts of Ubisoft’s Capital.

The growing of Vivendi’s stocks

The part of the Ubisoft’s capital owned by Vivendi is still growing up, and reached 25.15% at the beginning of the month, which means that it’s at 5% to be able to launch a tender offer, like it did for Gameloft. Even if the company affirmed that it won’t drop a public offer or won’t take the control of the world’s third video game company, it will keep buying parts according to the conditions of the market. Vivendi also owns  22.92% of the rights of vote.

Ubisoft tries to protect itself

After the loss of Gameloft, the Guillemot brothers are doing their best to protect themselves and their baby Ubisoft.  For them, the rise of Vivendi is « a new indication, if it was needed, that Vivendi and Vincent Bolloré are going on in their value-wrecking approach, aiming to a  creeping control taking of companies like Ubisoft ». They also add the following sentence :
As we already said it, it won’t avoid us to keep being focused on our objective of proposing the best experiences to our players and fans, and on our long-term strategy of value creation for all of our shareholders.

A rise that scares Ubisoft’s developpers

This « financial war » put the developpers in an uncertain situation, and the artists of the company fear that Ubisoft can change from one day to next. And this can be dangerous for the creatvity of the company. Michel Ancel, the creator of Rayman and conceptor for Ubisoft declared that if the Guillemot brothers, who are the owners of Ubisoft, hold on, the creative future of Ubisoft will be assured.
Gameuse Minstery

Gameuse Minstery